Updates from the Program Committee

Without our program committee, Berlin Buzzwords wouldn‘t be Berlin Buzzwords. We‘re very happy to have such a great, engaged group of experts who help us each year to look through all the proposal and build an exciting program.
This year we are proud to welcome two new members to this group: Josh Devins and Anshum Gupta. Both have been integral parts of the Berlin Buzzwords community for years and their vast experience will bring fresh input to #bbuzz.
Anshum is an Apache Lucene and Solr committer and Project Management Committee member. He started dabbling with Lucene about 15 years ago, and since then has worked at various organizations building both internal and consumer facing search platforms on top of Lucene and Solr. He is currently a part of Apple's Open Source Technologies group.
Over the course of 20 years of industry experience, Josh has spent time in various roles and companies in both North America and Europe. He maintains a broad base of experience and knowledge, combined with various areas of depth such as team leadership, data science, distributed systems, software engineering and agile development practices. Josh likes working on effective data-driven products as much as building strong teams and organisations.
We would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to Ted Dunning, Georgi Knox, Mandy Chessell, Owen O‘Malley and Gary Dusbabek, who after many years of supporting us on the program committee will step down from their roles. Their input has been invaluable and we are proud to have had them on our committee.